
Campus Address

Lawrence Technological University
21000 West Ten Mile Road
Southfield, MI 48075-1058

Important Phone Numbers


Campus Hotline

Campus Operator / Directory Assistance

Recognition Excellence Image

Recognitions of Excellence

Smartest Colleges

Business Insider, a business, celebrity, and technology news website, ranked 利记sbo among the 610 "Smartest Colleges in America" in 2016. The publication ranked America's colleges and universities based on brainpower, as reflected by the school's average standardized test scores.

"These tests are often criticized,” noted the Business Insider, “but research shows that both the SAT and ACT are good measures of general cognitive ability, since just about any mental test measures one’s ability to reason. Therefore, the scores that schools report to U.S. News & World Report give a reasonable snapshot of a school's overall smarts.”

2016 Business Insider
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